1.Log in to your Kraken account and go to this page. Click 1.2.3 in order to enter the API page.
2.Click API, then click Create API keys(Spot trading API)
3.Copy the IP address of spot trading on ATPBot, which will be used in the next step.
4.Enter the API name for easy management.
As shown in the figure, check the permissions. Please do not choose withdrawal-related permissions.
turn on “WebSocket interface”.
Paste the IP address of ATPBot copied in the previous step into the IP address field.
Click "Generate key",Save API-related information for filling in ATPBot's spot trading API.
5.Enter the 2FA sign in verification code.
6.Save the API key and private key.
7.Go back to the ATPBot connection exchange page, select Kraken spot, paste the API key, private key and name in turn, and click Add Exchange.
Well, congratulations, Kraken spot API has been connected to ATPBot.
8. Now we proceed to connect to Kraken futures API.
Click "Create API key"
9.Choose Futures API permissions.
General API: Full access
Withdrawal API: No access
Be sure not to choose the wrong one, otherwise the ATPBot cannot run normally.
10.Save your futures API (pubic key & private key), which will be used in the next 2 step to connect to ATPBot.
11.Go back to the ATPBot connection exchange page and select Kraken Futures.
Copy the IP address.
12.Click "Add IP Address"
13.Paste the IP address copied on ATPBot into the IP address field.
14.Fill ATPBot with the futures API (public key & private key) you saved in step 10, and give it a name.
Click "Add Exchange"
15.Great, you have completed the exchange connection, now you can choose the strategy you need to run.
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